The Program

Teach Me To Learn at Home® enables our families to strengthen their capacity as their child’s first teacher.  The online portal affords our families access to the knowledge, tools, and resources any time of day.  This gives them the ability to provide the instruction and support their child needs to enter pre-school and Kindergarten at a level playing field, equal to their peers.  By sponsoring families to use Teach Me To Learn at Home®, we can more effectively reach families and establish ourselves as the center of a learning community.

– T.C. Chappalear, Assistant Superintendent at Indian Creek

Log-in: Our online portal will guide you.  Each week, you will follow these easy steps:





It’s Worth Every Minute


Teach Me To Learn at Home® $99.00 (Valued at $129)


FOUNDATIONS: Talk it Up! (Early Language Awareness)

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From the time a child is born they are learning to communicate through language. Parents who speak and encourage language in their home establish the beginnings of a strong literacy environment. This learning path outlines stages of a child’s language development and how this relates to reading and writing. Parents will watch videos, print activities, and engage with other families to support their child in developing strong oral language skills.

FOUNDATIONS:  Look in Books (Book and Print Awareness)

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Books offer a child an opportunity to learn how our language is written. The conventions of print — how words are organized on a page, punctuation and other symbols, how to read from left to right — are all learned through experiences with print. Parents can build this awareness through simple interactions throughout their daily routines. Learn how to support your child through definable ages and stages with activities you can do each day.

FOUNDATIONS:  Little Ones, Big Words (Vocabulary Building):

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A child’s vocabulary is a strong indicator of later academic success. Children with higher vocabulary outperform their peers! Successful readers have a working knowledge of 8,000-12,000 words by Kindergarten. This learning path is designed to support parents in building vocabulary through reading books, stimulating conversation, and direct instruction techniques while having fun. Parents will watch videos, print activities & directions, and engage in an online community of parents and experts.

INTERMEDIATE: Letters and Little Ones (Letter Recognition)

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This learning path is designed with the tools, activities and routines needed to help your child identify a letter name. Parents will learn how to help their child not only name a letter, but also form and write the letter which research supports is the most effective way to build letter knowledge and memory. Parents will find videos, activities, materials to print, and engage in online discussion with peers and expert moderators.

INTERMEDIATE: Sounds in Words (Phoneme Awareness)

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There are 44 sounds in the English language that are called phonemes. Children who can focus on each sound they hear in a word will make strong readers and writers. This learning path will help parents know the sounds in the English language and how to describe them to their child as they listen for them in words. Families will learn listening and talking games to play to help their child build this skill. This learning path should be completed after the Talk It Up! (Early Language) learning path has been successfully completed.

PEAK: A is for Apple (Letter Sounds)

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This learning path is designed for children who are ready to match the letter that spells each sound in a word. By using the techniques and routines included in this learning path, parents will learn how to introduce new letter sounds to their child. They will also support their child to read and spell simple words. Before entering this learning path, your child should have a working knowledge of letter names and be able to identify the sounds they hear in spoken words.


“Once we got started (using the program), my daughter would say ‘Mommy, play school.’ Seeing my daughter excited about it made me want to do the program more.”

– Amber, Mom participating with 2 children